15 Dec Christmas Donation to Amy’s Care
Nothing makes us happier at Christmas than spending time with family and friends and sitting down to eat and drink with all the associated paraphernalia; love and laughter.
So, rather than sending out cards and Christmas presents to clients this year, we decided to support Amy’s Care by bringing some festive cheer to those that may not get the chance to share family time.
Amy’s Care is a family run Community Interest Company based close to our office in the north Lake District, specialising in providing day care through social clubs and holidays for older adults and in particular those living with dementia.
The work Amy’s Care does makes a real difference to so many individuals and their families. Unfortunately some of the guests won’t get the chance to socialise with family and friends over Christmas so we felt it important they all came together for some festive fun.
We’ll be funding Christmas lunch parties for approximately 55 guests across three dates in December where a traditional Christmas lunch will be served together with drinks, crackers and party novelties. For many, they’ll reminisce about Christmases past but one things for sure, these parties will guarantee fun for all those that attend whilst surrounded by people that care; the Amy’s Care team.
CBA Events has continued to grow with 2017 being another great year. We’re most grateful to all our clients for their support over the last 12 months and fortunate to be able to make this donation as a direct result of the successes of late. So, it’s a big thank you from us and let’s raise a glass to Amy’s Care!
To read more about the difference Amy’s Care makes www.amys-care.co.uk
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